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The Cannabis sativa plant is a part of the family Cannabaceae. This genus contains more than eighty-five different species of flowering plants. These plants include the usual Cannabis sativa plants, but they also contain strains of strains which are either more or less aggressive than the cannabis sativa variety.
The genus Cannabis contains no true indica or sativa varieties. There are only variations within the genus Cannabis sativa. Many people mistakenly believe that all strains of cannabis are the same. They are not, in fact.
In the United States, strains of Cannabis sativa range from the most aggressive and domineering- this is the indica strain. You will find, however, that there are many strains of cannabis which fall within the cannabis sativa genus. Some of these are indica and others are sativa.
The classification of the genus Cannabis can be confusing, especially for those who are new to the world of cannabis. These people may come across the term indica and immediately assume that it means something other than sativa. In truth, indica is an old version of the Cannabis sativa genus, whereas sativa was not developed until many years later.
The original indica strain is often times known as Purple Haze. It has a reputation for being extremely aggressive and hot tempered. It’s not common to find anyone smoking this cannabis at a party.
The sativa strain is considered to be milder. This is why it is commonly referred to as the “stoner” strain. A person who is a fan of the indica and sativa varieties can find very high tolerance levels and excessive activity within the cannabis sativa genus. Frequent, heavy smoking is not characteristic of this variety.
There are many things that separate indica and sativa strains. One of the distinguishing characteristics is the presence of a THC content. When a cannabis plant has more THC, it is considered to be an indica strain.
The sativa strain is often times said to be a more mellow, pleasant, and calm type of cannabis. It is also thought to have a more sedative effect. This is why the indica and sativa strains often work well together, to relax and de-stress the mind and body.
The indica and sativa strains do differ in potency. Some indica strains can cause signs of heart palpitations, while other sativa strains will cause anxiety. Sometimes the effects of the two varieties can be opposite and produce extremely opposite reactions.
A person can use cannabis sativa to treat their various ailments. There are many different conditions for which one might need to use this plant. Conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety, cancer, and glaucoma are some of the conditions that one would benefit from the use of this cannabis sativa. You will not have to deal with the side effects of the powerful side effects of the indica and sativa varieties of the cannabis genus.
One should use cannabis in a responsible manner, but some feel that it is still acceptable to smoke this substance in good medical practice. Smoking cannabis is said to release endorphins into the bloodstream, which is often found in foods such as marijuana cookies. It also provides a feeling of calm and relaxation, which is said to be very good for people who suffer from anxiety disorders.
Long periods of physical strain can also be dealt with through the use of this plant. The indica and sativa varieties of the cannabis genus will provide a restful and relaxed feeling, which will cause a person to lose their appetite. The combination of the two will make you lose weight without even realizing it!